Building JavaScript Games: for Phones, Tablets, and Desktop

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Название: Building javascript Games: for Phones, Tablets, and Desktop

автор: Arjan Egges

Издательство: Apress

Год выпуска: 2014

ISBN: 978-1430265382

Формат: PDF

Размер: 10 MB

Количество страниц: 444

Язык: Английский

Описание: The approach in Building javascript Games follows the basic structure of a game rather than the syntax of a language. From almost the very first chapter you are building games to run on your phone or other device and show to your friends. Successive projects teach about handling player input, manipulating game objects, designing game worlds, managing levels, and realism through physics. All told, you’ll develop four well-designed games, making Building javascript Games one of the most enjoyable ways there is to learn about programming browser-based games.

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