The C++ Programming Language. Third Edition.

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Реклама. ООО "ЛАБИРИНТ.РУ", ИНН: 7728644571, erid: LatgCADz8.

Название: The C++ Programming Language. Third Edition.

Автор: Stroustrup Bjarne.

Издательство: Addison-Wesley Professional

Год: 2000

ISBN: 9780201700732

Страниц: 1030

Формат: PDF

Размер: 3.5 Mb

Язык: Английский

This book introduces standard C++ and the key programming and design techniques supported by C++. Standard C++ is a far more powerful and polished language than the version of C++ introduced by the first edition of this book. New language features such as namespaces, exceptions, templates, and runtime type identification allow many techniques to be applied more directly than was possible before, and the standard library allows the programmer to start from a much higher level than the bare language.

About a third of the information in the second edition of this book came from the first. This third edition is the result of a rewrite of even larger magnitude. It offers something to even the most experienced C++ programmer; at the same time, this book is easier for the novice to approach than its predecessors were. The explosion of C++ use and the massive amount of experience accumulated as a result makes this possible.


Introductory Material

Basic Facilities

Abstraction Mechanisms

The Standard Library

Design Using C++


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