Sweet Potato Power: Smart Carbs

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Название: Sweet Potato Power: Smart Carbs/ Сила батата: умные углеводы


Издательство: Victory Belt

Год: 2012

Формат: ePub

Размер: 1,65 Мб

Качество: Хорошее

Язык: Английский

If you want to look good, perform at your peak and be in tip-top shape, you must choose smart fuel for your body, not the processed "food" found on the shelves of every supermarket. Many have turned to Paleo and a low carb way of life to avoid the effects of these food impostors we were never designed to eat. Low carb diets, however, can leave you feeling as though you don't have enough gas in the tank.

Low carbs need to be smart carbs. Lucky for us, nature has given us the nutritious, delicious sweet potato. This super food gives all the benefits of other high energy foods with more nutrition and without spiking blood sugar. Plus, this humble tuber tastes great and is easily incorporated into your diet in seriously good ways.

Sweet Potato Power gives you the tools to run your own tests to determine the diet rules that work specifically for you and your unique biology.

Кроме рецептов блюд с применением батата, издание содержит массу полезной информации по правильной организации питания, основнного на палео принципах.

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