Mystery of the White Lions: Children of the Sun God / Тайна белых львов: Дети бога солнца

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Название: Mystery of the White Lions: Children of the Sun God / Тайна белых львов: Дети бога солнца

Издательство: Npenvu Press

Формат: DJVU

Размер: 6,56 Мб

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African sharamanism teaches that nature is magical, and magic is natural. After being rescued from a life-threatening encounter with lions in the Timbavati game region by a sangoma known as the 'Lion Queen', the author embarks on a journey into the mysteries of the most sacred animal on the African continent: the legendary White Lion. It is a mystical journey into the knowledge and ceremonies of old Africa, in which humans and lions are able to cross the species barrier u in accordance with the most guarded secrets on Ancient Egypt and humankind's greatest riddle, the sphinx. It is also a real living journey. Scientists in our day have established that humankind's most significant evolutionary leap occurred as a result of our ancestors' interaction with great cats. The White Lion is a genetic rarity of Panthera leo, and occurred in one region only on earth: Timbavati. Today White Lions form the centre of the notorious 'canned' trophy hunting industry u hand-reared captive lions, shot in enclosures for gross money. By contrast, shamans believe that killing a lion-sun God is the ultimate sacrilege.

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