Love to make with Woman's Weekly - June 2015

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Название: Love to make with Woman's Weekly

Издательство: IPC Connect Ltd

Год / месяц: 2015 / June

Номер: June 2015

Формат: jpg

Размер: 34,8 Мб

Страниц: 63

Язык: английский

Журнал по рукоделию. Разнообразные проекты - 50 идей и проектов для рукоделия в разных техниках. Шитье, вышивка, поделки из бумаги, флористика, поделки из фетра, создание ювелирных украшений и многое другое.

Craft from Woman’s Weekly is an inspirational monthly series featuring an extensive collection of projects, makes and ideas suitable for crafters of all abilities. We aim to challenge and inspire you to try new things as well as show you some great new twists on classic projects. All major craft areas are covered including, paper craft, card making, jewellery making, sewing, needlecraft, craft for children, flower arranging, felt/applique, painting and drawing. All of the projects, ideas and makes featured are tested extensively by our team, so unlike many others they are guaranteed to work!

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