American Photo (May-June 2010)

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Название: American Photo (May-June 2010)

Издательство: Bonnier Technology Group

Год: May-June 2010

ISBN: 0-74851-08385-7

Кол-во страниц: 88

Формат: PDF

Размер: 19.56Мб

Язык: English

American Photo - ведущий американский журнал о фотографии, фототехнике и обработке изображений. Отражение современной культуры через линзу камеры, журнал для профессионалов и любителей.

American PHOTO is the premier showcase for outstanding photography. A reflection of contemporary culture through the camera's lens, it inspires professionals and sophisticated amateurs alike with its coverage of art, fashion, journalism celebrity, sports, politics and advertising. American PHOTO is a stunning visual commentary on our world, featuring masters of photography among others. Each issue also includes technical data on the featured images as well as the behind-the-scenes anecdotes that relate to the shot.

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