Quilting Arts - August-September 2015

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Название: Quilting Arts

Издательство: Interweave

Год / месяц: 2015 / August-September

Номер: Issue 76

Формат: pdf

Размер: 22,9 Мб

Страниц: 84

Язык: английский

Журнал посвящен квилтингу. В выпуске представлены креативные идеи и проекты для рукодельного искусства.

Quilting Arts Magazine is published six times a year. Whether you consider yourself a contemporary quilter, fiber artist, art quilter, embellished quilter, or wearable art artist, Quilting Arts strives to meet your creative needs. Quilting Arts covers a wide range of skills, includes exceptional how-to articles, profiles artists, features guest teachers, and explores contemporary textile works, surface design, embellishments, and motifs.

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