Seapower №06 2013

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Название: Seapower

Номер: 06

Год издания: 2013

Издательство: US Navy

Язык: Английский

Количество страниц: 60

Размер: 25 мб

Формат: PDF

Качество: хорошее

Для сайта:

SEAPOWER magazine and its Almanac issue are official publications of the Navy League of the United States, an international organization founded in 1902 to support the U.S. sea services. SEAPOWER articles cover a wide range of topics, including national defense, foreign policy, naval affairs, maritime issues, homeland security and defense research, development and procurement. SEAPOWER coverage focuses on such areas as defense strategies, emerging technologies and ways to improve the operational concepts and managerial processes of the U.S. sea services.


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