Caffeine – August-September 2014

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Год / месяц: August-September 2014

Номер: 8-9

Формат: pdf

Страниц: 40


Размер: 35,8 Mb

Caffeine is a magazine for coffee lovers everywhere. We have watched as London has become the epicentre for a coffee revolution in the UK and we are here to help it continue to grow. We believe we can inform and entertain so that everyone can have a better experience from their daily “cup-a-joe”. Our focus is the independent coffee scene in London and its influence across the country, and we want to show there is an alternative to the high-street coffee chains that currently dominate the global coffee scene. We believe it’s important to fight for good coffee and support the small retailers and roasters who are developing a craft and creating innovative techniques and tastes.

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