Christian History Magazine - Issue 116

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Название: Christian History Magazine

Год / месяц: 2015

Номер: Issue 116: 25 Writings that changed the church and the world

Формат: True PDF

Размер: 6.8 Mb

Язык: Английский

Christian History magazine is a full-color, high-quality, quarterly publication bringing the story of the church to the people of the church.

The Bible is the most important Christian book (collection of books actually), but it’s not the only Christian book. This issue of Christian History features the fascinating stories behind the top 25 writings in Church history, selected by more than 70 past writers of the magazine. From Augustine and Aquinas to Bonhoeffer and Barth, this is a veritable primer on what to read, why to read it, and how we got it.

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