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Реклама. ООО "ЛАБИРИНТ.РУ", ИНН: 7728644571, erid: LatgCADz8.

Автор: Sandy Lesberg

Название: Romanesque

Издательство: Peebles Art Library

Год: 1974

Формат: PDF

Страниц: 68

Язык: English

Размер: 11.2 MB

The creative force of the artists in the 11th and 12th centuries gave birth to a style which spread over all that Western civilization which derived from Charlemagnes Empire, and left its mark on every branch of art. It is seen in architecture, sculpture, ivories, textiles, goldsmiths' work, and painting in various forms, such as illuminated manuscripts, mural paintings and stained glass. Many affinities can be seen in this Romanesque period between the various styles of these arts, a similarity between a sculptured figure and an illuminated manuscript, or between the motif of a piece of goldsmiths' work and the theme of a fresco. The reliquary at Conques-en-Rouergue, for instance, and a Christ in Majesty of the 12th century painted in an apse of a church are proof of this. Often the decorative theme is the same; for instance, where the meander pattern, interspersed with scrolls, in which appear paintings of animals, reappears in the murals of the Baptistry of St. Jean de Poitiers; or in the frieze of the tympanum at Carennac (Lot) ; or again, when it is used as a frame to the miniature in a manuscript at Citeaux. These three works date from the beginning of the 12th century.

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