Converting Websites into Native Apps using PhoneGap

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Автор книги: Matthew David

Название книги: Converting Websites into Native Apps using PhoneGap

Издательство: Focal Press

Год издания книги: 2011

ISBN: 9780240819105, 9780240819082

Страниц: 29+24

Формат книги: PDF

Размер файла: 13,7 MB

Язык книги: English

Для сайта:

Две небольших по формату книжки Девида Метью научат вас конвертировать страницы веб-сайтов в удобный для Android и iPhones ипользуя HTML5 и открытую библиотеку jqTouch.

1. Converting Websites into Native Apps using PhoneGap

In this short ebook you will see how you can take your knowledge of HTML5 for mobile devices and convert your optimized Web sites into native applications that run on Android, iPhones, BlackBerry’s and more. PhoneGap integrates tightly into the development environment you are working in. The benefit this bring is that you can extend the core codebase in your apps with plugins and extensions.

2. Working with jqTouch to Build Websites on Top of jQuery

Using jqTouch, an open source solution, is a fast way for you to convert a static Web page into looking like a native iPhone or Android app. In this short ebook find out how you can use the Open Source jqTouch Library to extend the functionality built into jQuery to build Web sites that run on your iOS and Android phones but look and interact as if they are native apps. You will also discover how to create custom interfaces, screen flipping, and set themes with jqTouch

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