Node.js High Performance by Diogo Resende

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Название : Node.js High Performance

Автор : Diogo Resende

Издательство: Packt Pablishing

Год издания : 2015

Страниц: 136

Формат : PDF

Размер файла: 6,8 MB

Язык : English

Node.js is a tool written in C, which allows you to use javascript on the server-side. High performance on a platform like Node.js is knowing how to take advantage of every aspect of your hardware, helping memory management act at its best, and correctly deciding how to architect a complex application. Do not panic if your applications start consuming a lot of memory; instead spot the leak and solve it fast with Node.js by monitoring and stopping it before it becomes an issue.

Analyze, benchmark, and profile your Node.js application to find slow spots, and push it to the limit by eliminating performance bottlenecks

Learn the basis of performance analysis using Node.js

Take your application to the next level of high performance using the extensive capabilities of Node.js

Explore the high performance capabilities of Node.js, along with best practices

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