Introducing Maven

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Название: Introducing Maven

Автор: Balaji Varanasi, Sudha Belida

Издательство: Apress

Год: 2014

Формат: PDF

Размер: 4.47 Мб

Качество: Хорошее

Язык: Английский

Страницы: 120

Introducing Maven is your quick start-up primer guide on Maven. This fully packed mini-book includes the new features and enhancements found in the latest version of Maven.

In this short 100-page book, you'll learn all about Maven and how to set it up to use. You'll learn about the Maven life cycle and how to effectively leverage and use it. Also, you'll learn the basics of using site plugins and generating Javadocs, test coverage/FindBugs reports, version/release notes and more. Furthermore, you'll take advantage of Maven's archetypes to bootstrap new projects easily. Finally, you will learn how to integrate Nexus repository manager with Maven release phases.

After reading and using this short book, you'll have an understanding of Maven's dependency management and how to organize basic and multi-module Maven projects.

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