JIRA 6.4 for the Rest of Us: A beginner's guide to JIRA for the Business User

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Название: JIRA 6.4 for the Rest of Us: A beginner's guide to JIRA for the Business User

автор: Rynder Roy Klomp

Издательство: KlompRS

Год выпуска: 2015

ISBN: 978-0991757978

Формат: PDF

Размер: 14 MB

Количество страниц: 208

Язык: Английский

Описание: JIRA 6.4 for the Rest of Us In today’s hectic business world where you are asked to do more, in less time, and with fewer resources, there is an accelerating need to improve work efficiencies. If you have not yet heard of JIRA, I’m sure you will, and very soon. JIRA is an outstanding Task, Process, and Project management software rapidly, and well deservedly, gaining market share. JIRA allows you to inexpensively automate and simplify your work processes. In addition to task management, JIRA is an incredibly powerful and flexible tool for creating forms and building automated exception handling. JIRA 6.4 for the Rest of Us is written for the non-I.T. business user. It explains how JIRA works in non-technical language and includes practical exercises. The last part of the book contains detailed ‘scripts’ for customizing the most common elements of JIRA. Buy your copy today and unleash the power of JIRA in your organization.

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