Windows Phone 7 in Action

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Название: Windows Phone 7 in Action

Автор:Timothy Binkley-Jones, Massimo Perga

Издательство:Manning Publications

ISBN: 1617290092

Год: 2012



Формат: PDF

Размер: 23Mb + 6Mb

Windows Phone 7 in Action is a hands-on guide to building mobile applications for WP. Written for developers who already know their way around Visual Studio, this book zips through the basics, including an intro to WP7 and Metro. Then, it moves on to the nuts and bolts of building great phone apps.

About the Technology

Windows Phone 7 is a powerful mobile platform sporting the same Metro interface as Windows 8. It offers a rich environment for apps, browsing, and media. Developers code the OS and hardware using familiar .NET tools like C# and XAML. And the new Windows Store offers an app marketplace reaching millions of users.

About the Book

Windows Phone 7 in Action is a hands-on guide to programming the WP7 platform. It zips through standard phone, text, and email controls and dives head-first into how to build great mobile apps. You'll master the hardware APIs, access web services, and learn to build location and push applications. Along the way, you'll see how to create the stunning visual effects that can separate your apps from the pack.

Written for developers familiar with .NET and Visual Studio. No WP7 or mobile experience is required.

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What's Inside

Full introduction to WP7 and Metro

HTML5 hooks for media, animation, and more

XNA for stunning 3D graphics

Selling apps in the Windows Store

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