Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook

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Название : Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook

Автор : Cameron Buchanan, Terry Ip, Andrew Mabbitt, Benjamin May, Dave Mound

Издательство: Packt Publishing

Год издания : 2015

Страниц: 224

Формат : PDF

Размер файла: 1,4 MB

Язык : English

Welcome to our book on Python and web application testing. Penetration testing is a massive eld and the realms of Python are even bigger. We hope that our little book can help you make these enormous elds a little more manageable. If you're a Python guru, you can look for ideas to apply your craft to penetration testing, or if you are a newbie Pythonist with some penetration testing chops, then you're in luck, this book is also for you.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Gathering Open Source Intelligence, covers a set of recipes for collecting information from freely available sources.

Chapter 2, Enumeration, guides you through creating scripts to retrieve the target information from websites and validating potential credentials.

Chapter 3, Vulnerability Identification, covers recipes based on identifying potential vulnerabilities on websites, such as Cross-site scripting, SQL Injection, and outdated plugins.

Chapter 4, SQL Injection, covers how to create scripts that target everyone's favorite web application vulnerability.

Chapter 5, Web Header Manipulation, covers scripts that focus specifically on the collection, control, and alteration of headers on web applications.

Chapter 6, Image Analysis and Manipulation, covers recipes designed to identify, reverse, and replicate steganography in images.

Chapter 7, Encryption and Encoding, covers scripts that dip their toes into the massive lake that is encryption.

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