Python 3 for absolute beginners

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Название: Python 3 for absolute beginners


Издательство: Apress

Год: 2009

ISBN-13: (pbk) 978-1-4302-1632-2 (electronic): 978-1 -4302-1633-9

Формат: pdf

Язык: English

размер: 6 мб

There are many more people who want to study programming other than aspiring computer scientists with a passing grade in advanced calculus. This guide appeals to your intelligence and ability to solve practical problems, while gently teaching the most recent revision of the programming language Python.

You can learn solid software design skills and accomplish practical programming tasks, like extending applications and automating everyday processes, even if you have no programming experience at all. Authors Tim Hall and J–P Stacey use everyday language to decode programming jargon and teach Python 3 to the absolute beginner.

What you’ll learn

Cultivate a problem–solving approach and acquire software design skills. Learn how to create your own software from simple “Hello World” type programs to stand–alone windowed applications. Document while programming, program while documenting. Decode programmers’ jargon. Master the Python 3 programming language.

Who is this book for

Non–programmers who want to learn Python programming without taking a detour via a computer science department.

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