An Introduction to Programming in Go

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Название: An Introduction to Programming in Go

Автор: Caleb Doxsey

Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Год: 2012

Страниц: 165

ISBN: 1478355824, 9781478355823

Формат: PDF

Размер: 12 Мб

Язык: English

This book is a short, concise introduction to computer programming using the language Go. Designed by Google, Go is a general purpose programming language with modern features, clean syntax and a robust well-documented common library, making it an ideal language to learn as your first programming language.


1 Getting Started 1

1.1 Files and Folders 2

1.2 The Terminal 5

1.3 Text Editors 9

1.4 Go Tools 13

2 Your First Program 15

2.1 How to Read a Go Program 17

3 Types 23

3.1 Numbers 24

3.2 Strings 29

3.3 Booleans 31

4 Variables 35

4.1 How to Name a Variable 39

4.2 Scope 40

4.3 Constants 43

4.4 Defining Multiple Variables 44

4.5 An Example Program 45

5 Control Structures 47

5.1 For 48

5.2 If 51

5.3 Switch 55

6 Arrays, Slices and Maps 58

6.1 Arrays 58

6.2 Slices 64

6.3 Maps 67

7 Functions 76

7.1 Your Second Function 77

7.2 Returning Multiple Values 82

7.3 Variadic Functions 82

7.4 Closure 84

7.5 Recursion 86

7.6 Defer, Panic & Recover 88

8 Pointers 92

8.1 The * and & operators 93

8.2 new 94

9 Structs and Interfaces 97

9.1 Structs 98

9.2 Methods 101

9.3 Interfaces 104

10 Concurrency 108

10.1 Goroutines 108

10.2 Channels 111

11 Packages 120

11.1 Creating Packages 121

11.2 Documentation 124

12 Testing 127

13 The Core Packages 132

13.1 Strings 132

13.2 Input / Output 134

13.3 Files & Folders 135

13.4 Errors 140

13.5 Containers & Sort 141

13.6 Hashes & Cryptography 144

13.7 Servers 147

13.8 Parsing Command Line Arguments 155

13.9 Synchronization Primitives 156

14 Next Steps 159

14.1 Study the Masters 159

14.2 Make Something 160

14.3 Team Up 161

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