Learning Ext JS 4

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Название: Learning Ext JS 4

Авторы: Crysfel Villa

Издательство: Hobby Farm Press

ISBN: 1849516847

Год: 2013

Страниц: 434

Язык: English

Формат: PDF, EPUB

Размер: 14 Мб

Sencha Ext JS for a beginner. Learn the basics and create your first classes. Handle data and understand the way it works, create powerful widgets and new components. Dig into the new architecture defined by Sencha and work on real world projects.

In Detail!

Ext JS is a javascript library for building interactive web applications using techniques such as Ajax, DHTML, and DOM scripting. Ext JS 4 features expanded functionality, plugin-free charting, and a new MVC architecture, it's the best Ext JS web application development platform yet. It helps develop incredible web apps for every browser.

Learning Ext JS 4 will teach you how to get the best of each Ext JS component and also show you some very practical examples that you can use in real world applications. You will also learn why it is so useful and powerful in developing fast and beautiful applications.

The book starts with the very basics of Ext JS. You will learn to create a small application step-by-step, and add new features to it in every chapter.

Once you grasp the basics, you will learn more complicated topics such as creating new components, templates, architecture, patterns, and also tips and techniques that will help you improve your skills on javascript and Ext JS 4. We also cover how to create themes to make your application design beautiful and customize it the way you need.

At the end of the book, you will have a working application built using all the knowledge you gained from the book.

What will you learn from this book

Learn how the Ext JS class system works and is organized

Dig into how the Ext JS components and widgets work

Use the powerful layout system that Ext JS 4 offers

Focus on the new MVC pattern and good architecture

Get the best of templates, dataviews, and grids

Change the default theme of the library easily with compass and sass, and create custom themes

Drag and drop easily and quickly with Ext JS 4


The book is a step-by-step tutorial full of example code and explanations to help a beginner learn Ext JS thoroughly.

Who this book is written for

This book will help you to learn Ext JS from scratch, it would be better if you have some javascript knowledge. Knowledge of HTML and CSS3 would be helpful but not required.


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