Learning AngularJS for .NET Developers

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Название: Learning AngularJS for .NET Developers

Автор: Alex Pop

Издательство: Packt Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-78398-661-3

Жанр: Программинг

Год: 2014

Страниц: 202

Формат: PDF

Размер: 1 МБ

Качество: Отличное

Язык: Английский

AngularJS is the most popular javascript MVC framework, and it embraces and extends HTML rather than abstracting it. The building of single-page applications is a web-designer-friendly process with the AngularJS expressive HTML vocabulary. It drastically reduces the amount of javascript required to control complex user interactions and enforces a modular approach to structuring your javascript code.

This book covers all of the stages of building a single-page web application, starting with frontend components powered by AngularJS, continuing with web services that leverage ServiceStack, and putting it all together in an ASP.NET MVC application. You will learn a development process focused on rapid delivery and testability for all application layers.

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