Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript

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Название: Data Structures and Algorithms with javascript

Издательство: OREILLY

Автор: Michael McMillan

Год: 2014

Количество страниц:246


Формат: EPUB + PDF

Размер:11 Mb

As an experienced javascript developer moving to server-side programming, you need to implement classic data structures and algorithms associated with conventional object-oriented languages like C# and Java. This practical guide shows you how to work hands-on with a variety of storage mechanisms—including linked lists, stacks, queues, and graphs—within the constraints of the javascript environment.

Determine which data structures and algorithms are most appropriate for the problems you’re trying to solve, and understand the tradeoffs when using them in a javascript program. An overview of the javascript features used throughout the book is also included.

This book covers:

Arrays and lists: the most common data structures

Stacks and queues: more complex list-like data structures

Linked lists: how they overcome the shortcomings of arrays

Dictionaries: storing data as key-value pairs

Hashing: good for quick insertion and retrieval

Sets: useful for storing unique elements that appear only once

Binary Trees: storing data in a hierarchical manner

Graphs and graph algorithms: ideal for modeling networks

Algorithms: including those that help you sort or search data

Advanced algorithms: dynamic programming and greedy algorithms

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