CoffeeScript in Action

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Название:CoffeeScript in Action


Автор:Patrick Lee

Год: 2014

Количество страниц:432



Размер:29,7 Mb

CoffeeScript in Action is a tutorial that teaches you how, where, and why to use CoffeeScript. It begins by quickly exposing you to CoffeeScript's new, but instantly-familiar syntax. Then, you'll explore programming challenges that illustrate CoffeeScript's unique advantages. Language junkies will especially appreciate how this book takes idioms from other programming languages and shows you how CoffeeScript makes them available in javascript.

About the Book

javascript runs (almost) everywhere but it can be quirky and awkward. Its cousin CoffeeScript is easier to comprehend and compose. An expressive language, not unlike Ruby or Python, it compiles into standard javascript without modification and is a great choice for complex web applications. It runs in any javascript-enabled environment and is easy to use with Node.js and Rails.

CoffeeScript in Action teaches you how, where, and why to use CoffeeScript. It immerses you in CoffeeScript's comfortable syntax before diving into the concepts and techniques you need in order to write elegant CoffeeScript programs. Throughout, you'll explore programming challenges that illustrate CoffeeScript's unique advantages. For language junkies, the book explains how CoffeeScript brings idioms from other languages into javascript.

What's Inside

CoffeeScript's syntax and structure

Web application patterns and best practices

Prototype-based OOP

Functional programming

Asynchronous programming techniques

Builds and testing

Readers need a basic grasp of web development and how javascript works. No prior exposure to CoffeeScript is required

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