Dynasty of Ghosts

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Название: Dynasty of Ghosts

Издательство: P.L. Nunn

Год: April 21, 2008

Формат: pdf

Размер: 3.8 mb

Язык: English

Количество страниц: 330 pages


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Illya has always been different - fey, quiet, and cursed with the ability to see the lingering spirits of the dead. A younger son of a younger son from a backwater mountain province, he is a nobody in the king’s army until he comes to the notice of the Prince Knight himself, the spoiled, stubborn heir to the kingdom of Aldania.

Caught up in a war that has raged for generations between Aldania and a neighboring kingdom, captured and imprisoned by a mad king, Illya and Prince Ashe discover a history of lies, betrayal and assassination, and the ghostly truth beneath it all. Opposites in every way, they forge a common bond that pain, war and betrayal will test to the very limit of their strength.

To end a dynasty of madness and suffering, Illya must embrace the ability he has always hated, and look to the dead for answers.

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