Black & Decker Complete Guide to Outdoor Carpentry: More Than 40 Projects Including: Furnishings - Accessories - Pergolas - Fences - Planters

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Название: Black & Decker Complete Guide to Outdoor Carpentry: More Than 40 Projects Including: Furnishings - Accessories - Pergolas - Fences - Planters


Издательство: Creative Publishing

Год: 2009

Формат: HQ PDF

Качество: отличное

Размер: 125 Мб

Язык: English

Количество страниц: 240

Описание: Книга для любителей деревообработки. Более 50 проектов, которые могут быть сделаны за выходные дни с использованием обычных ручных инструментов и материалов, доступных в любом строительном магазине. Пошаговые инструкции, фотографии, чертежи.

Outdoor carpentry projects using cedar, redwood, and pressure-treated pine are perfect for DIYers of all skill levels, since the materials are easy to work with, and the results are rewarding. This book features more than 50 projects that easily can be built in a weekend with ordinary power hand tools and materials available at any local home center or hardware store. Each project has complete construction plans and directions for foolproof results.

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