Beyond Snapshots: How to Take That Fancy DSLR Camera Off "Auto" and Photograph Your Life like a Pro

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Название:Beyond Snapshots


Издательство: Amphoto Books; Original edition


Год / месяц:3/2012

Размер:21.19 MB

Страниц: 240


Для сайта:

Let professional photographers Rachel Devine and Peta Mazey show you how to use that fancy DSLR to photograph the story of your life, from falling in love and having a baby, to the everyday moments that are no less precious. You’ll learn:

• Common beginner mistakes and how to avoid them

• How to take portraits of your children, friends, pets—even yourself

• How to capture light to make your photos more dramatic

• How to make colors pop, eyes sparkle, and skin tones more realistic

• How to capture the uniqueness and wonder of your family, friends, and world

After all, why trust your memories to regular snapshots when with just a little knowledge, you can create beautiful photographs?

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