Prion Promises

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Название:Prion Promises


Издательство: Double Dragon Publishing

ISBN: 1554042704

Дата издания:2005-07-30

Страниц: 188


Формат:rtf, fb2

Размер:2.10 MB

The people of Masterville Valley carry prions in their bodies that could make the world a much better place-but most of humanity will never willingly accept them, for once infected, a person is able to reason much better, rejecting religious, sexual and political dogma. Being born with the prions or trying to infect others with them carries a death penalty in most Islamic nations. In America and the rest of the world, the Masterville prions have become a political football because religious leaders are so utterly opposed to them, despite compelling evidence that they imbue their carriers with a much saner life style, both sexual and social. When a newly elected moderate president is assassinated, his successor again begins using a secret cabal of the National Security Agency to spread lies and deception about Masterville Valley and its prions. The happy, peaceful people of the valley are forced to fight back, and they begin their battle by secretly spreading their prions out into the world, including the halls of congress and into the president-s own inner circle. But will the prions take effect in time to save them from zealots intent on completely destroying the people of Masterville valley and the hope for a peaceful earth it represents?

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