Forces of Hordes: Legion Of Everblight

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Название: Forces of Hordes: Legion Of Everblight

Издательство: Privateer Press

Год: 201

Формат: PDF

Язык: Английский

Размер: 68 МБ

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Описание: Embrace the Power of a Dragon!

In the frozen northern wastes, a sinister blight has awoken and now stands ready to consume everything in its path. An army prepares for war, its leader the cunning and malevolent dragon Everblight, whose very essence resides in each of his twisted generals. Filled with horrendously blighted ogrun, cruel and tainted Nyss, and terrifying dragonspawn, the Legion of Everblight is poised to spread its corruption to the farthest reaches of western Immoren and beyond.

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