String Games

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название: String Games

издатель : National Book Trust

автор: Arvind Gupta

год: 2002

формат: pdf

страниц: 58

язык: English

ISBN: 8123738595

размер : 2,82 mb

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Книга : Игры с ниточкой.

На пальцы одевается ниточка и из неё строятся фигуры и комбинации.

Ранее , комбинации с ниткой использовали в гаданиях, чтобы предсказать пол будущего ребёнка.

A string figure is a design formed by manipulating string on, around, and using one's fingers or sometimes between the fingers of multiple people.

String figures may also involve the use of the mouth, wrist, and feet.

They may consist of singular images or be created and altered as a game, known as a string game, or as part of a story involving various figures made in sequence.

String figures have also been used for divination, such as to predict the sex of an unborn child

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